martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

Summary 3: Food Chain and Food Web

A food chain is the path of energy in food from one organism to another. A food web is the overlapping food chains in a community. Food chains and food webs exist in all ecosystems. They all have producers and consumers. Typcally trees and plants are producers of food and oxygen while insects and animals are consumers.  Human biengs are consumers too.

Food Chain

Food Web

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

Summary 2: Living Things and Their Environment

Living things and non-living things form an ecosystem. The non-living elements of the ecosystem are called abiotic factors and they are water, minerals, sunlight, climate, air and soil.  Living things in an ecosystem can be grouped in populations and communities that are common to one area. Each part of the ecosystems contributes with its part so the ecosystem function properly.

Summary 1: Energy Resources

People uses energy everyday for lighting their homes, cook food, to move from one place to another.  Usually the source of our energy we use are coal, natural gas and oil.  These source of energy are called natural resources and they are limited so one day we will run out of them if we do not conserve energy. Nowdays people are experimenting with alternative energy such as geothemal energy, solar, wind and biomass to contribute in the conservation of our natural resources and energy supply.